10.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 1)
11.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 2)
12.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 3)
13.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 4)
14.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 5)
15.Screen Directions for the Issue Task
16.Description of the Writing Assessment
17.Screen Directions for the Argument Task
18.Samples of Scored Issue Essays with Reader
19.Samples of Scored Argument Essays with Reader
20.Frequently Asked Questions about the GRE Writing Assessment

Perspectives on an Issue
Each Perspectives on an Issue essay will be scored on a 6-point holistic scale according to the criteria below. Although the GRE Writing Assessment contains two discrete essay-writing tasks, a single combined score is reported because it is more reliable than either task score alone. The score reported will represent the average of the scores for the two essays.
A6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and demonstrates mastery of the elements of effective writing. A typical paper in this category
develops a position on the issue with insightful reasons and/or persuasive examples
sustains a well-focused, well-organized discussion
expresses ideas clearly and precisely
uses language fluently, with varied sentence structure and effective vocabulary
demonstrates superior facility with the conventions (grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard written English but may have minor flaws
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 6.
A 5 paper presents a well-developed analysis of the complexities of the issue and demonstrates a strong control of the elements of effective writing. A typical paper in this category
develops a position on the issue with well-chosen reasons and/or examples
is focused and generally well organized
expresses ideas clearly and well
uses varied sentence structure and appropriate vocabulary
demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English but may have minor flaws
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 5.
A 4 paper presents a competent analysis of the issue and demonstrates adequate control of the elements of writing. A typical paper in this category
develops a position on the issue with relevant reasons and/or examples
is adequately organized
expresses ideas clearly
demonstrates adequate control of language but may lack sentence variety
demonstrates control of the conventions of standard written English but may have some flaws
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 4.
A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in its analysis of the issue and in its control of the elements of writing but is plainly flawed. A typical paper in this category exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
is vague or limited in developing a position on the issue
is weak in the use of relevant reasons or examples
is poorly focused and/or poorly organized
has problems expressing ideas clearly
uses language imprecisely and/or lacks sentence variety
contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 3.
A 2 paper demonstrates serious weaknesses in analytical writing. A typical paper in this category exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
is unclear or seriously limited in developing a position on the issue
provides few, if any, relevant reasons or examples
is unfocused and/or disorganized
has serious and frequent problems in the use of language and sentence structure
contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that interfere with meaning
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 2.
A 1 paper demonstrates fundamental deficiencies in analytical writing skills. A typical paper in this category exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
provides little evidence of the ability to develop or organize a coherent response to the topic
has severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure
contains a pervasive pattern of errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that severely interferes with meaning
See an example of an issue essay that earns a score of 1.
Off topic, in a foreign language, merely copies the topic, consists only of keystroke characters, or is illegible, blank, or nonverbal.
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